Sunday, September 18, 2011

Second Pitch

Feedback From Other Groups

We gained a lot of information from the feedback, questions and answers which we are going to use, both the negative and positive comments to help develop and improve out film idea. First question was ‘What will be shown in the film?’ And we answered with- An accident will take place where the young boy gets his injury- What the boy has to deal with at home and at his 1st days back in a school environment - How the mother deals and overcomes the new situation Next Question ‘Who will play the blind person as it will be hard for someone with full vision to portray the part.’ We replied- We have already asked a student in the school who has recently lost complete sight in his left eye if he would be willing to help us in our film. Third Question ‘Will we be seeing from the boy’s point of view or the audience?’We replied - There will a lot of shots where it will be from the audience’s point of view however the main focus will be the boy’s point of view as it is his journey which we are seeing. Fourth Question ‘What way are going to show the boy becoming blind through an accident or an hereditary condition.’We replied - We are not sure at the moment but we are leaning towards the hereditary idea as showing an accident would be hard/difficult Some then commented that the actual accident did not have to be shown and that we can become creative with it. Comments - ‘I like the idea, of the boy walking through the school saying “Hi” to his friends and while he carries on walking he starts to see shadows and gradual darkness.’- ‘It is a great idea because you can get into the world of the character.’- ‘With this idea you able to be very creative and imaginative.’ - ‘There is a movie that could help us with our ideas with the short film and it was called “Ray” starring Jamie Foxx.’- ‘ The story needs more work and that we should speak to the boy in the school and ask more about his story. As it will help us develop skills on how to become sensitive when talking to people about personal stories.’- ‘It’s great your haven’t made it into a stereotypical story ‘- ‘The idea of the story is good and very emotive.’

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