Tuesday, September 13, 2011

1st Film Idea


Characters -Ella, Brian

The story starts with Ella in her bedroom it is early in the morning and she is woken up by her alarm, the sun is piercing through the curtains. She sits up and looks over at her calendar, which shows that today is the 18th July and it is the day of Ella’s Prom.  And the day that her schools most popular boy in school who is also the captain of the football team takes her to prom. Ella has been dreaming of this day for years, and she has been dating the footballer Brian for 3 months now and when he asked her too the prom Ella couldn’t wait. Full of excitement Ella jumps of the bed and runs to her parents’ bedroom and jumps on their bed, squealing with joy. Looks up at the clock its 10:00am she decides it is time to get time to jump in the bath and start getting ready  as she only got till 7:00pm to get ready and there is lots to be done. She goes to the salon and gets the full treatment with manicure, pedicure, hair and makeup. Ella looks astonishingly beautiful she returns home and runs upstairs to put on her dress on.  Ella came downstairs in a beautiful blue stain cocktail dress and it was 6:50 she was set and ready to go. All she had to do was wait for Brian to turn up , she wait and waited and waited, soon it was 7:30, she rang him, texted him and Ella was devastated when he didn’t  reply or answer. Her mum comforted her and told Ella to forget and go to prom without him. At first Ella refused at first then decided that it was the best choice to have fun without him however she was still devastated.  When she got there he wasn’t to be seen, Ella danced all night with her girls. Then Brian walks in the door with a girl more beautiful than Ella has seen. He walked to Ella and told her it was over it front of the whole of the school. Ella ran home she was not only heartbroken but also devastated.

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