Wednesday, September 14, 2011

2nd Film Idea


Characters - Jane, David

Jane was a typical girl living in a town, her new boyfriend David was a year older than her. They started dating at the start of the summer as he was in time visiting family . In the heat of the moment, she said yes. When summer ended they agree to carry on the relationship, by train they only lived 1hour away from each other. They met every other weekend and texted everyday and called every night before going to sleep. He came down for Christmas to see his family again but then came spent Boxing Day with Jane when she announced to him that she was pregnant.  Jane was in love David and David claimed he loved her the same. Straight away they started making plans for new coming baby. After New Year’s David returned back home and for a while things went back to normal. However after a couple of weeks David kept cancelling on Jane telling her that she can’t come visit and she can’t visit her. Jane started to hear rumours that David had been seen with another woman at first Jane didn’t believe the rumours. Jane decided that for a David’s birthday surprise she went to visit him but a day earlier than planned. Only to find that when she turned up on David’s door she was greeted by a girl wearing one of David’s shirts which were brought by Jane. When the shouting began David appeared at the door he came clean and admitted that he was cheating and that he no longer wanted to be with Jane. She was heartbroken and left 4months pregnant and alone....

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