Friday, September 16, 2011

First Pitch

As a group we all came up with two film ideas then as a team we decided that out of the 6 ideas we had in total we choose two.  Below are the two taglines and pitches that we come with:

Tagline – Chic to Geek
Pitch – Not your typical teenage love story when a girl changes everything she has for the most unexpected guy only to leave her standing in the lurch with nothing.
This story is a very different to the very ordinary teen love story, it has a twist which will keep the audience involved. This story can end with a complete happy ending or end in devastation. This story can be filmed onsite within school this makes it much easier on the day of the shooting.  There are a range of shoots that can be used with the camera, to show facial expressions, body language, actions and reactions. This is important when creating a film with minimum or no dialogue as the shoots will be needed to tell the story. If with the right camera shots sound if not important only for the background music to help set the scenes and locations. The props needed would be basic school items and will be easy to provide due the location. However there may be a problem with the location as it is a school so we will need to film where there will be no other school children maybe walking, this would affect our shooting and will need to discuss more in the location plan. 

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