Monday, November 28, 2011

Poster 3

After reseaching other billboards i have tried to follow the code and conventions when creating my film billboard.


  1. A Very good poster, it looks of a high level and shows great skill considering you used word 2007 :)

  2. The image used in this poster successfully represents the theme of struggle and the monochrome colour theme makes everything seem quite dull and gloomy. As for improvement, i feel that the 'and' in the name credit block is not needed and it would look just as good without it. I also feel that the credit block below could be more detailed; listing everyones roles in the group. Apart from that, great job!

  3. I really like the fact that the film is called 'light through darkness' and a glow effect was added to give to emphasise the title even more. I also like the fact that the character is sitting at an agle, so it gives the audience a different perspective to look at it from. All in all very effective advert. It really does follow the codes and conventions of a bilboard advert; and there is a clear housestyle tunning through the advert.

  4. i really like this poster, it gives a clear image of the main charcters blindness. the titles are good and not to overwhelming, and the black and white fits in with the world of the film.

  5. Jannelle, you have looked deeply into the world of film posters, this is evident on the poster you have created, the simple but cleve grey and white colouring is very effective, well done:)
