Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ancillary Task 1 - Film Review 1

I decided to choose the ‘Total Film’ magazine for the base of my review as after planning and research I found that it was the most popular and well known magazines plus if there was to be a film review written about my short film I would love it to be in the ‘Total Film’ magazine. This is because of it is a well recognised magazine and readers are more likely to follow and listen to what has been said, therefore if it is a positive review written about the short film then the readers a going to believe that it is.

To make sure that the review has followed the original codes and conventions of the ‘Total Film’ magazine, I researched and planned out how I am going to write the review and how it is laid out. I had done this by looking at recent and old issues of the magazine and making sure that it has been panned accordingly. I read dozens of reviews so that when it came to writing my review I tried to follow the same writing styles as those within the magazine. I used the picture that I did because after looking at other reviews and seeing that the images used where the most important part of the film, I felt that the image I used was the most important as it shows his lowest point.

Even though trying my best I feel that the write up of the review is not my strongest part. I found it hard to use the same style of writing as the other critics.  I felt that I managed to copy the layout to the best that I could and that it could be placed with the ‘Total Film’ magazine as part of the review section.

1 comment:

  1. I think this film review is really good in replicating the layout of 'Total Film' magazine. I think the content of the text is really good but you need to read over it again just to make sure it makes sense and maybe redraft it to make it abit more organised. Overall I think it's a very successful review.
