Thursday, June 16, 2011


Monologue – My ‘rite of passage’
Everything changed mum wasn’t herself she stopped playing with me and my younger brother all she did was sleep. All day and all night she would only surface for a couple of hours to cook dinner.  Me and brother stopped going school, less times a week because mum was unable to take us. I didn’t see it as unusual I thought all children looked after their younger brothers during the day. Dad stopped showing up more often and whenever he was around there was arguments between him and mum. Every time they argued I would always be the one to sit upstairs and hold my brother tight, told him not to cry as the shouting would stop soon. He never used to listen and got angry because he thought it was his fault he was only 4 at the time so I look back now and I understand. My brother’s temper got worse as we got older and he became harder to control. Mum was still tired all the time which meant I still had to find a way to control my younger sibling. I had to cook, clean and tidy up, make we was both up and dressed for school even if mum was too tired t drive us, but having a pack lunch  ready was essential.  As years went on mum became less tired and I started to go to school more often however my brother didn’t the school had kicked him out, his temper got worse and he was harming himself and others. People called me names saying that was related to the boy with that always went crazy and got kicked out. I thought they was my friends as they could be nice sometimes, they would invite me to parties and give me Christmas cards every year , however they would also call me names and shut me out the group I used to go home crying no one would listen.   Things got worse before they got better, but when it did everything were on a rise, I made a new best friend and she helped me with everything and she still does. I aced all my year 6 exams, my brother went back into a mainstream school, mum wasn’t tired and had a job and I had a new best friend to start journeys with in a brand new school where we left all those spiteful girls behind.

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