Sunday, June 19, 2011

Ken Loach

Ken Loach is an English film and television director, well known for his dramas. He is also known for his naturalistic, social realist directing style and for his socialist beliefs, which are evident in his film treatment of social issues such as homelessness in Cathy Come Home and labor rights Riff-Raff.
Ken is someone in media that has an individual style, control overall elements and is able to put his personal stamp of his work, he done this with the help of Toy Garnet in the early stages.

Critics say : “ His films are melodramatic…….” And “….. audiences are left with no solution” this is because Ken doesn’t follow the rule of the equilibrium where the world starts off normal, problem arises and then the solution.

Kens style:
• Distinctive
• Provocative
• Captures a sense of realism
• A cinema of truth
• Inspirational
• Recognized

And he doesn’t always reveal script to characters

Films by Ken Loach

These are based on real life everyday stories were there is a huge amount of sadness in them and they both deal with major social issues. In the 1st clip its race, culture and religion and the other it’s the position of women and immigrants both deal with struggle and challenges this is common in Loach’s films.
I found that in the 1st clip not a lot of camera shots were used, Ken has kept it very simple. During the scene there was not a lot of talking but a lot of awkward silences, an when there was speech the characters spoke over one another this showed that it was not scripted but in a way it worked well.
I felt that Ken Loach used the narrative to show the characters ‘rite of passage’ in both films because without the string narrative it would not work this is in both clips.

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